More Than Just a Motto: Our Corporate Social Responsibility

You might know that strong family values are at the heart of everything we do, but did you know that our motto extends to our corporate social responsibility too?

From our employees themselves, to the communities we work within, and the environment surrounding us, giving back is built into every inch of our operations. Even while a number of our team are working from home, our strong company culture makes sure our corporate social responsibility measures continue to grow.

Our Promise to Our Employees

In the words of our health and safety manager, Dave Warren, we believe that ‘caring for the world around us, our neighbours, our environment, and of course our own workforce, is pivotal to the success of our business’. That means that before, during, and after the coronavirus crisis, we’ll continue to uphold the highest health and safety standards not just for every member of our team, but for our clients and end users as well. If you want to find out more about the stringent health and safety measures we’ve put in place, take a look at our blog pages here.

Investing in our team’s futures has a huge part to play within our corporate social responsibility contribution too. We’re proud to have generated training and job vacancies within both the Yorkshire and Humberside areas, and a huge 10% of our workforce is made up of local apprentices.

Giving Back to Our Community

Did you know we’ve been based in our Sheffield premises for almost a century? Over the years, we’ve made sure our Sheffield-based premises have become a real home. The Yorkshire spirit of family values and community has become a huge part of what makes our corporate social responsibility measures stand out from the crowd. In just the past five years alone, our teams have contributed over £17,000 to a range of local charities and community projects across South Yorkshire. From sponsoring a Christmas star to hang from the walls of Sheffield Children’s Hospital, to working with grassroots football teams across the region, we’re really proud to engage with community and young people’s initiatives that support the local communities around us.

Doing Our Bit for the Environment

In our book, our corporate social responsibility doesn’t stop with our employees, or even our local community. We want to make sure our operations are environmentally responsible too. As climate change presses more heavily than ever on the world’s mind, we’re taking steps to make sure our staff and suppliers are able to easily reduce their environmental impact. That includes everything from encouraging sustainable travel, to keeping an eye on our recycling schemes, and working together with suppliers to reduce material wastage across all of our projects.

We believe it’s our duty to help our clients and end users keep to their environmental targets, so we can all reach the same goal of minimised environmental impact together. Continually checking in on our environmental commitments is a key part of our corporate social responsibility, making sure we can lessen the negative impact we’re having on the world around us as quickly and as safely as possible.

Interested in finding out more about the ways we make our corporate social responsibility a key part of our company culture? Whether you want to know more about our people or our processes, our friendly team are always available for a chat. Give us a call on 0114 275 1210 to get a conversation started.