Future-Proofing Our Community: 6 Ways to Maximise Your Energy Conservation

How conscious of your energy conservation are you?

As the UK eases out of lockdown, there’s never been a better time to think about your organisation’s commitment to lessening your energy consumption, all without getting in the way of your business’s day to day. Since we committed to achieving our ISO 14001:2015 accreditation, we continue to actively focus on our energy conservation. Take a look at our latest blog for tips on keeping energy consumption at the top of your organisation’s agenda.

Start travelling sustainably

As we start planning a return to our offices, why not begin thinking about ways you can change up your commute? From car sharing to sustainable bike schemes, encouraging your team to go green on the way to work will not only aid your energy conservation, it’ll work wonders for you and your colleague’s wellbeing.

Invest in energy-saving office equipment

While making the most of natural light while you work has been proven to help you enjoy your working day, energy-efficient light bulbs are an incredibly simple way of lessening your energy usage, with the added benefit of no disruption to your team’s day to day.As energy conservation continues to dominate headlines, you could also consider upgrading the entirety of your office equipment with energy-efficient devices. Even when they’re running at maximum capacity, new, energy-conscious devices are much more likely to limit both your energy consumption and your electricity bill.

Consider the devices your team use

Enjoyed working from home over the last few months? Whether you’re often on the go or continuing to nip in and out of the office, using laptops rather than desktops maximises your energy conservation by lessening the power needed for oversized monitors. While not everyone can easily work from a single screen, reducing the number of desktop computers in your office will see you quickly noticing a downward trend in your energy bill.

Keep your printing to a minimum

To maximise your energy conservation even further, you could take steps to make sure your premises are completely paperless. Sharing documents safely and securely online stops you from making multiple trips to the office printer, and will help you keep your productivity at an all-time high with easier flexible working methods.

Get into green habits

Even small habits can make a world of difference. From switching off lights when you leave the room, to ensuring your heating systems are put on reasonable timers and unplugging your electricals when you leave for the day, there are plenty of easy changes to your daily routine you can make as part of your commitment to going green and maximising your energy conservation.

Take things further than your team

Once your whole team feels clued up on energy conservation, it’s time to take things a step further. From the suppliers you come into contact with each day, to the end users enjoying your services, showcasing your sustainability efforts and encouraging others to take up the same good habits will have a very positive ripple effect.

Our commitment to lessening our environmental impact

Here at Heb Group, we want to do more than simply shout about our commitment to energy conservation, we want to put our plans into real action. We’ll be actively changing the way not only our team reaches towards our environmental targets, but our clients and end users too.