Benefits of Biocleaning: Taking Care of Your Team

Dreading a return to a dusty, dirty office space?

As lockdown starts to slowly come to an end, you might be thinking about preparing your offices for your team to return. Here at Heb Group, we know how important it is for your employees to keep safe, both for their physical and mental wellbeing, and the safety of everyone around you – and that’s where biocleaning comes in.

So what exactly is biocleaning?

The process of biocleaning refers to a deep clean carried out by specialists in order to remove infections and hazardous materials from your workspace. Leaving your entire office space completely clean for the days and weeks to come, your biocleaning services team will rigorously disinfect every surface in your premises, to reduce the risk of infection and bacteria as much as possible.

Why is biocleaning so important right now?

While it’s always important to keep your workspace or offices as clean as possible, the extremely contagious nature of coronavirus means that a deep clean you can trust is more crucial than ever. Think about how many surfaces you and your team touch on a day-to-day basis. Door handles, computer mice, and light switches are all hotspots for infections to spread quickly, as well as those hidden nooks and crannies you might not notice during your usual clean. Undergoing biocleaning not only makes sure these areas of your workspace are free from any hidden bacteria, but keeps every corner of your space completely clean too. A thorough deep clean makes sure no stone goes unturned, giving you the complete confidence you need that your premises are ready for you to make use of again.

Our expert biocleaning team has tackled every cleaning nightmare you can think of; from hospitals to re-occupied buildings, you can be safe and sound in the knowledge that our biocleaning services team really knows their stuff. Enlisting the help of our professionals will help you and your colleagues feel much more confident about the prospect of returning to work in a hygienic environment, so you can get back to business as soon as possible.

Keeping up the cleanliness: Steps your team can take

Once your workspace has been thoroughly disinfected and decontaminated, your premises are ready for your team to get back to normal – as far as possible. However, the very positive effects of an effective biocleaning process don’t stop there. To make sure your biocleaning services keep your office space clean and clear, there are steps your team can also continue to carry out, to make sure hygiene stays at the top of your agenda. As well as following government guidelines to stay alert and aware of yourself and the people around you, washing your hands regularly, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze and ensuring your team are adhering to social distancing measures within the workplace will keep you and your colleagues safe, confident, and comfortable for the return back to work.

Read more about our cleaning services.